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Welcome to the DOGblog!

Hello and welcome to the DOGlife DOGblog and other helpful links page. I hope you find lots of useful information here and have a few giggles along the way. I plan to… 😉

Life with dogs is amusing to say the least, there are days when you cant believe you actually saw what you just saw or that the dog you’re training just did what it did! Meanwhile you’re standing there at the park chatting away at your dog and the person behind you is thinking …. “hmmm yes, another crazy dog lady“!

Life with dogs can also be challenging and frustrating but also rewarding and healing, supportive and reassuring. Dogs bring a special extra something to our lives, not as distant as cats yet not as demanding as children, a nice balance which can enrich your life beyond words. Now don’t get me wrong, I love cats and children, in fact I have both but we’re here to talk about dogs. I guess the biggest difference for me between cats, dogs and children is you can put your dog into a crate with a treat when great Aunt Elspeth (with the thin skin) pops in for a cuppa and no one minds. Not so easy with cats or children. 😉 (Not that I would ever do either nor suggest anyone else does…!)

For me, dogs brought this whole new world of friends into my life, both human and canine! Over the years I have met and made great friends with some amazing dog people and their beloved woofs! I’m also hoping to share their stories with you here. So for me in my life, dogs bring people together and there’s nothing bad about that!

So enough babbling, welcome to my world and I hope you enjoy the ride….


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